Our HVAC Company Shares One Great Tip For Good Indoor Air Quality

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In our previous blogs, we’ve discussed issues regarding indoor air quality. We covered the many plants that you can place throughout your home to help eliminate pollutants from the air, as well as what those pollutants are, and how they can affect your health. Take a look at the series to see what you can do to improve your indoor air quality!

What You Need To Know

Indoor air quality is an integral part of your health and wellness. Our last blog detailed the potential hazard poor indoor air quality poses to your health with one of the biggest threats being cancer.

While it’s scary to consider this reality, it’s important to recognize the problem and find the solution. It’s actually a lot easier than you think.

Improvement Starts With Action

Taking the right steps to improve this area of living well is easy. In fact, we detailed two ways to make a change right away. One was by scheduling an inspection with an HVAC company and simply changing your filter. Of course, adding the plants will help but there’s one more tip you should try.

Get an Indoor Air Tester

With an indoor air tester, you can determine just how healthy or unhealthy the air in your home is. We recommend getting one that tests for volatile organic compounds and formaldehyde. This will provide you with comprehensive results that can help you determine how steps to make and which plants to put in your home as well!

It’s important that you get enough tests for the size of your home. The recommended ratio is one kit for every 2,000 sq. ft. in your home. One kit is best for a one to a two-bedroom apartment and anything larger should get two to three kits.

Keeping a Healthy Home

If you have a new home or a newly renovated home it’s important to make sure that you purchase a kit right away. If you don’t have a new home but are curious about how you can improve the quality of the air within your home, then start with a kit. From there, you should call your local HVAC company. They can provide HVAC services that will improve your HVAC system overall, and also help you avoid unsafe levels of formaldehyde, xylene, and other air pollutants.

If you’re interested in improving the indoor air quality of your home, talk to your local HVAC company. They can more than likely test your indoor air quality and help you determine whether or not your HVAC system needs improvement.

If you’re in need of a furnace repair of any other type of HVAC service, be sure to contact Premier Heating and Air. You can get an inspection or an evaluation of your furnace to make sure it is running at optimal levels. Improve your HVAC system and your health by calling us today. Get your free quote for an HVAC repair or replacement now.

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