You’re considering getting air conditioning but once you’ve started looking you’ve come across a lot of different options including evaporative cooling. With all the different options available in the world of cooling it’s hard to know what is the best fit for your home and needs. You need to ask yourself about the climate you live in, the infrastructure of your home, and the pros and cons of each system. As you continue to research the two different types of home cooling, one will become a better fit for you and your family than the other.

First, let’s explain how each of the systems works. An air conditioning system utilizes an outdoor unit and the HVAC system to pull air from the inside of a home through the system. As the air is pulled from the house, it passes through a filter and then over cooling coils in the outside unit. This process cools and dehumidifies the air before returning it back through the duct system into the house. Evaporative cooling is also utilized through a single outdoor unit. Outside air is pulled into the unit where it is blown over water-saturated pads. This now cool and humidified air proceeds into the house through either a single inlet or through the duct system. Once in the house, the air then needs an open window or outlet to escape. This outlet is essential as it allows the flow of air to continue.

The use of water in evaporative coolers creates some interesting challenges. First, they do not work in humid climates. They are dependent on being able to humidify the air in order to cool it. With this challenge also comes the difficulty in controlling the temperature accurately. The air has a smaller range in which it can be cooled from the outside air. Due to this reliance of needed to have a humidity gradient, evaporative coolers require that the home be open, such as a door or window, during operation. Even though there are drawbacks, evaporative cooling can be more affordable to operate in the long run. According to the National Association of Homebuilders, they can be one-third of the cost to run of an air conditioning unit. This is dependent on the cost of utilities in your area. They also do provide a continual supply of fresh, outside air into the house which can also be beneficial.

Air conditioners also have pros and cons to their use. Air conditioning units do have a higher energy usage than evaporative coolers. However, this comes with the benefit of having control of cooling your home by large temperature differences from the outdoor heat. Air conditioners also remove moisture from the air, reducing humidity, static, and the ability for certain allergens to grow. Utilizing air conditioning does rely on air already present in the home, however, so having clean air ducts and vacuuming regularly could be of benefit. Also, airing out your home on good days in the spring and fall can help to keep your home feeling fresh. Lastly, air conditioning units function in a closed system meaning that doors and windows need to be sealed in order for them to work the best.
After understanding how both evaporative coolers and air conditioning units works, plus some pros and cons, you are now better prepared to decide which type of cooling unit will best fit your needs. Contact Premier Heating and Air for your cooling needs.

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